Saturday, November 12, 2011

Infrastructure transformation!

Wow! The Mal Pais School looks amazing! Thanks to a generous private donation, a brilliant labour crew have spent the last 2 mths transforming the school. Materials were bought with the funds raised from the Carnival in August and it really couldn't of been put to better use! This new transformation is so exciting as it allows future funds raised to be put towards a quality education for the students. We look forward to really making a difference with extra curricular and continuing with the already successful ESL program that Sara has already established at the school. The ESL evening classes are also hugely popular and we hope to introduce another evening very soon! As we draw closer to the end of the year, the results of our little project fill the community with hope and bring us all closer together! Feeling very happy!

Carnival Fundraiser

In August the Mal Pais Education Project and school organised a Carnival fundraiser. Inflatable water slides were rented from San Jose, St Teresa Church lent us a stage and Jim and Lisa lent us a marquee to keep dry during the odd rain shower! Local bands - The Gypsy Crew, The Common People and The Kika Crew, all volunteered their time and rocked the crowd! Jez from Purasonica radio station kept the vibe inbetween sets and Artemis Cafe provided the speakers to bounce the sound out! The kitchen was full of mum's feeding the hungry crowd and the Bar was controlled by the dad's...funny how that worked out! Actually not true...Spencer and Brad cranked the BBQ all day! Barbara organised a raffle and children had their faces painted by teachers from the project and local artists Coco and Sandy, while henna tatoo's were provided by Audrey and Eric. Joffre and Maize juggled and entertained the crowd and the rainy season weather really played along and showed us some clear skies! It really felt like a community event and the day's fun also generated a good chunk of cash, so win win! Thanks to everyone for again showing your support!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Art Festival

This year two students were chosen to represent Mal Pais School in the national Art Festival. Klarissa steidenstiker Garica, grade 6, and Tydus Danchik, grade 3. They both produced two pieces of fine Art, the open title that they were first judged on and then the set title of: My School. I'm very proud of all the Art students this year, and truly wish all could of entered a piece. But, I'm especially proud of Klarissa and my son Tydus, for the excellent effort they made for both of their pieces. The director of the school was so thrilled with their work he now wants it to be permently displayed in the school. I'm so excited about the new Art program and hope for a bigger budget to include music, dance and drama in the future. Mal Pais has some very talented students and we hope to be able to enter more events in the festival next year as well as keeping the students inspired and excited about Art!!!

Well done to all the budding Artists!!!

School repairs!!!

Thanks to a local donation a professinal labour team has been making repairs at the school. They have installed a concrete ramp to the cafeteria/ESL classroom, a wash sink and a small concrete floor outside the new classroom,four ceiling fans and lights, removed previously donated wood and have started making furniture for the school as well as repairing old tables. These new improvements are very much appreciated by teachers and students.

Huge Thanks!!!

Clean up!!!

The trees and school grounds have been unattended for quite some time. With the generous donation from a local business called 'Casa de Soleil', a professional team came in and took close to a week to limb trees and clean the grounds. Not only does the school now look more spacious and light, but the team also removed two adult venomous Coral snakes and their five young snakes!!! Which obviously could of been fatal for the school if the team hadn't taken care of it. Un-kept ground in Costa Rica quickly becomes jungle and the project is very grateful that 'Casa de Soleil' allowed for this potential hazard to be removed. The students have been making great use of the new open space and teachers are happy that the usual breeding grounds for the Dengue mosquito have been removed. Especially as last year teacher Yorjany suffered with Dengue fever, which is a serious threat this time of year.

Thanks 'Casa de Soleil' !!!


Teacher Alexander

In the past few months the public school of Mal Pais has had some really positive changes!!!

The school now has an additional national teacher called Alexander, allowing the students to be taught in smaller groups. The project helped with the set up of a new classroom for Alexander, students and teacher are now happily settled. I'm sure the end of year results will show fewer children repeating grades, if at all.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Art Classes for Mal Pais School.

We've just introduced Art Classes to Mal Pais school, which have been well received by students, parents and the School Director. All materials and resources for the classes are from donations and the class is staffed by volunteer Celina Otero-Monsegur and myself. We've been so inspired by the students Art so far, we're looking forward to hosting a fundraiser Art Show in the near future and also entering the National Art festival, which is coming up soon. New reasearch has shown that Art plays an equally important role in education, so we're excited with this new change in the students curriculum. I think you'll agreed the Mal Pais students are a talented bunch. Please enjoy the photo's.

-Sonya Danchik
